San Antonio ISD in Texas - Region 20

San Antonio ISD is a large district that is home to 53 elementary schools, 16 middle schools, 13 high schools, 3 alternative campuses, 6 academies, and 4 early childhood education centers. For the 2013-2014 school year, a total of 53, 811 students were enrolled with 91.2% being of Hispanic/Latino background, 6.3% African American, 1.8% White, 0.1% American Indian, 0.2% Asian, and 0.4% of two or more races.

Teaching At San Antonio ISD

Out of 7,423 staff members, 3,329 are teachers. For the 2015 - 2016 school year teachers will earn from a range of $50,000 - $56,400, with an additional $2,000 stipend for teachers who hold a master's degree. San Antonio ISD has the second highest starting pay for teachers. New teachers to the district are provided with a New Teacher Mentor Program that will assist them in growing their skills in classroom instruction and management.

Magnets, Charters, and Specialized Schools

The magnet programs, charters and specialized schools are available to middle school and high school students. Students attending these schools can focus on the subjects and professions that interest them such as agriculture, media production, law profession, health, world languages and more. Students can also gain a head start into college by attending the early colleges within the district.

Career and Technology Education Program

The Career and Technology Education program is offered at:

  • Brackenridge High School
  • Burbank High School
  • Edison High School
  • Fox Tech High School
  • Highlands High School
  • Houston High School
  • Jefferson High School
  • Lanier High School

Students can look into careers such as Business Management & Administration, Hospitality & Tourism, Human Services, and Architecture and Construction and more. Students can earn certifications and licenses in certain career fields along with their high school diploma. The CTE program helps students explore their career interest and prepare them to enter into the workforce or their chosen college.

Advanced Academic Programs

San Antonio ISD has a variety of programs for students who show great promise in academia.

Gifted and Talented Program

The Gifted and Talented Program program is for students who display high academic achievement levels and have learning needs that are more advanced than other students. This program helps meet these learning needs and further develop their skills and minds. Students in this program can start as early as elementary schools, and it is also available to students who have limited proficiency in English.

Duke Talent Search

The Duke Talent Search is a program that also seeks out students who excel in academics. They start testing students at grade 5th and 6th with a test called EXPLORE, and uses the ACT and SAT to test 7th graders.

Pre-AP / Advanced Placement Program

Pre-Ap and the Advanced Placement Program prepares students for college mentally and academically. The program seeks to develop and hone their writing and problem solving skills, while deepening the students' understanding of the subjects they are studying. Students will be able to take the AP Exam and, if they receive a certain score, they may qualify for college credit.

If you’re considering San Antonio ISD as a potential school to start your teaching career, visit them at to learn more about the district, its students, and its teachers.