Personality Test

A personality test is completed to yield a description of an individual’s distinct personality traits. In most instances, your personality will influence relationships with your family, friends, classmates and contribute to your health and well being. Teachers can administer a personality test in class to help your children discover their strengths and developmental needs. The driving force behind administering a personality test is to open up lines of communication and bring students together to have a higher appreciation for one another. A personality test can provide guidance to teachers of what teaching strategies will be the most effective for their students.

A personality test can benefit your students by:

A personality test is not a means to type cast a student, but it allows teachers to understand the personality attributes associated with various students since high levels of stress and other environmental factors can shift your personality type for short intervals. As a rule of thumb, you should recognize your strong attributes and keep in mind the attributes that irritate people.

Teachers should disseminate a personality test to their children the first week of school. A personality test is a fun exercise for the class and will enable the teacher to more adequately plan lessons and activities for their students.